Connect with Others

Show up as yourself and help other to do so as well

Everyone is a teacher and everyone has something to give to someone else. When you show up as yourself and are open to others, you can create things together which are more than the sum of their parts. Serving others through your creative practice is one of the most fulfilling things you can do.

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Show up as yourself and help other to do so as well

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How our educational system is like Procrustes' bed. One size fits all equals one size fits none.


I think we can create a brighter future by thinking of "Brighter Future" as a simple (but challenging) equation to be solved.


For a secondary channel, pick just one. This channel will be where you immerse yourself in a community, where you will post content daily.


What others think about my writing

"Just read that and it's beautiful. So glad to have crossed paths with you."


Writer & Visual storyteller

"Thank you for this piece, Jibran. I really needed it today. 🙏"

Nicola T

Writer of Surrender Now

"wow love the energy"


IFS practitioner