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Leading with Levity: 31 Journal Prompts to Infuse Playfulness in Your Leadership

written by JIBRAN EL BAZI |

Ah, leadership. It's a word that conjures up images of stoic faces, boardroom battles, and serious strategies. But here's a twist: what if we added a pinch of playfulness to this mix? I know, I know, it sounds like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. But bear with me.

Leadership isn't just about driving results and pushing for performance. It's also about enjoying the journey, finding joy in the challenges, and yes, infusing a bit of playfulness into the mix. Let's dive into 31 thought-provoking prompts that will help any leader sprinkle a little fun into their role, without losing sight of their goals.

  1. Reflect on a recent decision where you felt particularly playful and effective. It’s amazing how a light-hearted approach can often lead to the best outcomes.
  2. What activities make you lose track of time and how can you incorporate them into your leadership style? Remember, passion is contagious!
  3. Describe a moment when taking action led to unexpected joy. Sometimes, the best moments come from the least expected places.
  4. Write about a time when momentum in a project made you feel more creative. There's something about that unstoppable force that gets the creative juices flowing.
  5. Imagine your ideal playful yet productive day. Visualizing this can be the first step to making it a reality.
  6. What small action could you take today to add more fun to your routine? It’s the little things that often bring the most joy.
  7. How can you turn a mundane task into an enjoyable challenge? Gamification isn’t just a buzzword; it's a leadership tool.
  8. Describe a scenario where taking a risk led to positive momentum. Sometimes, you have to roll the dice to keep things moving.
  9. Think of a playful leader you admire and what traits you can adopt from them. We all have those leaders who seem to effortlessly blend fun and focus.
  10. How does your team react to playful leadership? Understanding their response is key to striking the right balance.
  11. What's one playful goal you have for this week? Setting such goals can transform the workweek.
  12. Describe how you balance seriousness and playfulness in your leadership. It’s an art and a science.
  13. Recall a time when spontaneity in your decision-making paid off. Sometimes, the best decisions are those not overthought.
  14. How can you encourage your team to take playful yet purposeful actions? It’s about leading by example.
  15. Write about a playful strategy you recently implemented. Reflecting on these can provide insights for future endeavors.
  16. How do you maintain momentum in projects while keeping a light-hearted approach? This balance is crucial for sustained success.
  17. Describe how playfulness has impacted your leadership style. Personal growth often comes from unexpected places.
  18. Think of a time when being playful helped you overcome a challenge. A light heart can make a heavy burden much lighter.
  19. What does playfulness mean in the context of your leadership? It’s different for everyone.
  20. How can you use playfulness to motivate your team? A motivated team is an unstoppable force.
  21. Describe a playful yet effective solution you recently found to a problem. Innovation often comes from thinking outside the box.
  22. How does building momentum in your work bring you joy? There’s a unique joy in forward motion.
  23. What are some playful rituals you can introduce to your team meetings? Transforming the mundane into something fun can be revolutionary.
  24. Write about a time when a playful approach led to innovation. These are the stories that inspire.
  25. How do you balance playfulness with professionalism? It’s a delicate dance, isn't it?
  26. Describe a playful moment that brought your team closer. Team building doesn’t have to be all trust falls and serious talks.
  27. How can a leader use playfulness to foster a positive work culture? Culture is the heartbeat of any organization.
  28. Reflect on how playfulness has evolved in your leadership style. Evolution is a part of every leader’s journey.
  29. Imagine a project where playfulness is the key to success. What would that look like?
  30. Write about how maintaining momentum helps in keeping tasks enjoyable. Momentum is the wind beneath a leader’s wings.
  31. How can you use playful actions to inspire those around you? Inspiration is, after all, the most powerful tool in a leader’s arsenal.
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Leadership isn't just about driving results and pushing for performance. It's also about enjoying the journey, finding joy in the challenges, and yes, infusing a bit of playfulness into the mix. Let's dive into 31 thought-provoking prompts that will help any leader sprinkle a little fun into their role, without losing sight of their goals.


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"Thank you for this piece, Jibran. I really needed it today. 🙏"

Nicola T

Writer of Surrender Now

"Enjoyed this thoroughly Jibran. You have a gift for evocative storytelling. What a whimsical and endearing adventure! The anvil is a wonderful protagonist with a charm of its own!"

Josh Pillay

Writer of Wait! Just Listen